Pageant price is $75 and will include an entry in the pageant, a practice day with directors, 2 free tickets for admission, chances to win tiaras, sashes, and prizes. Pre-registers will receive a free shirt. Registering after August 13th will forfeit shirt.
Please submit an order form and be on the lookout for an email with details to complete registration. Those that do not complete registration and pay the invoice will not be officially entered in the pageant.
☀️ Pageant will take place Saturday, September 23rd
☀️ Pre-register before August 19th and receive a free t-shirt!
☀️ Age divisions for 0-3 y.o., 4-7 y.o., 8-12 y.o., & 13-16 y.o.
☀️ Boys and girls groups
☀️ Categories of evening wear & contestant’s choice
☀️Optional Photogenic Division
☀️ Pre-screened Talent Division
☀️Open to participants from Denver City, Plains, Seagraves, Seminole, Hobbs, Lovington, Andrews, Carlsbad etc.
☀️ Win tiaras/crowns, sashes, and prizes!!
☀️ All proceeds will go to benefit the Charlea Kaye Rose Tuition Fund!